Your North Star

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling but raising every time we fall.”

Every day we wake are are given a choice in life.  To do better than yesterday or to repeat exactly what we’ve done the day before.  It can be as simple as being awake.  Knowing our failure and making the decision to become more.  

Last year, around this time, I was facing what I felt was insurmountable stress.  While attempting to communicate to someone my worries, they kept asking to fill their cup when my own was more than empty.  My health was going down hill and no matter what I did, it was not enough. 

Choosing to walk away after attempts to resolve issues, work on building a path I thought was right.  

Making a change that I was terrified to do, not allowing it to repeat to the point of my personal health being impacted that I would end up in the hospital or worse.  

Returning to my home city, surrounded by family and friends who love and support me, I have discovered that change is always good, challenge is better and rising every time, gives me strength.  

As each of you face challenges, it is a choice on how we react, remembering yourself.

I had to put out the lights to find my own North Star and I hope you do as well.


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