What love is

I’ve had this sorted history of what I thought love was and for the most part, when it came to romantic relationships I’ve not had success.  After leaving my last one, I became determined to never repeat this pattern and to work on myself first.  

I’ve been doing this for just over a year now and I must say, the hardest part in life at this moment is breaking old habits.  This of course, has come with friends and family who have shown me unconditional love.  I started therapy shortly after returning, becoming accountable for my actions but also, allowing all the emotions that come up to be faced fully with questions and of course, answers.

This weekend was no exception.

I was with a friend and they showed me something I didn’t think possible.  

How to breathe through my emotions.  

Their grace put a wee bit of gold on the part of my heart I thought was never going to heal.  I wanted to run when they did something innocently.  I wanted to just be alone when they held me and told me to take 5 deep breaths.  Asking me what was going on, I couldn’t speak my truth but I did what they said.  I took 5 deep breaths.  

Then without warning, everything was okay.  There were no repercussions for what I was going through, just patience.  They took the time to help me in the moment and then did not hold it against me.  They did not become angry.

Love comes in many forms and from many people. I’m not asking for someone to fix me, rather for those who care enough to sit with me when I am struggling. 

This, is love. 


  1. We r walking the same same path . I took a few days in hospital this week as I was traumatized on Monday triggering my ptsd . Keep writing .. I’m listening

  2. I am walking with you my friend. I walked through Southgate mall a few weeks ago looking at others, wondering what their trauma is, knowing that everyone has faced adversity. Watching their reactions to my eye contact and wanting desperately to give some of them hugs, letting them know it will be okay. We are all walking together, it is in a moment we need to recognize it.


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