The butterfly

I've tried to write over the last few days and found it a wee bit difficult.  As each post I've made in the past, I've been honest and vulnerable.  Life as we all know, ebbs and flows.  The most difficult task in this is knowing that we cannot control outcomes.  Being present in the moment is truly the most important.  Listening with the intent to listen.  This is something I've worked hard on and will do so each single day I breathe.  

No matter the choices others make, we can only be responsible for our own.  It shatters my heart knowing that someone out there has made a choice to which their outcome will not only be negative, but will effect many others.  

When you choose to react in life, try to see how it will cause a ripple effect.  How will, what you say or do makes a difference in others lives, as well your own.  

I've said in the past, that when you lay down at night to rest your head and heart, knowing you've done all that you could in a healthy and loving manner.  This is the way your day should be dictated and lived. No one, other than yourself can be accountable for your actions.  Know that when you do what is right, you will become, what life has intended for you alone.

As Maya Angelou so eloquently said, I understand more now today than the first time I read it.


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