365 Miles

Years ago, my older son and I moved in with my father.  We had to restart life and with his support, love and guidance we did our best.  I had fallen far from a healthy life.  Being in my early 20's with a 2 year old, it wasn't clear for myself how to start.

Dad would often tell me that when I start to keep it simple.  I couldn't figure that out at the time but he did not enable me to become dependent.  Quite the opposite, he gave me the insight that it was all my choice on how to move forward.  

Making goals, return to physical fitness, focus on my financial goals, and become a positive example to my son.  Having no transportation so my way to work was by foot which was just over 1 mile one way.  I couldn't see how this would be possible but he said, "Nicky, if you do 20 minutes a day you'll start seeing a difference." 

So I did. 

My physical shape increased and I saved money by walking.  By the end of the year, I saved enough to get my drivers license and then purchase my first car and of course, lost the weight I had gained.

The point to sharing this experience is that the small things do add up. 

I read a quote by Eddie Pinero;

"If you walk 1 mile a day, at the end of the year it will be 365 miles.  It doesn't matter how fast you go, but that you never stop."  

Today is the day you start caring for yourself first.  Everything else will fall into place.  




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