Standing still

Moving forward can be difficult but in order to do this, one must stand still.  This means, you take inventory of your life, where it was, where it is and of course, where you want it to be.  

Where it was..
Look back at the days before this moment and ask yourself what you were thinking about in relation to your goals.  What steps did you need to take to overcome the moment that froze you in a decision? Was the adversity putting your ability to move forward at a stand still?

Where it is..
In this moment, you have a choice.  To become more than, better than and see the ability to do so, even with the fear of overcoming?

Where you want it to be..
If you allow the fear to overcome what you know is needed, moving forward will almost always be the barrier to becoming.  The elephant tied to the chair will stop from moving, when in fact it was simply inside their mind.  

Don’t let your thoughts become your reality.  Take a knife and cut that rope, free yourself from what stops you from where you want to be.  As Paulo Coelho states “You are who you believe yourself to be.”

Start with standing still to free yourself.  


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