Walking through

Here's the thing, life happens and we can become the sum of those events.  Or, we can choose to become more than.

I recall as a child my mother having the below photo on the wall.  Little did she know the impact of it in my life.

The truth of this is, we carry the above through out life but the choice is ours.  Living in grief of what could have been, what we've lost and the pain we have all endured.  Changing our behaviors are difficult, I know this for sure as I strive to do it daily.  

I will not be the child survivor of sexual abuse or the woman who walked through domestic violence but the person who shared her stories to help others through their darkest moments.  I choose to become better than yesterday and crush though each goal set in front of me.  This is accountability and I challenge you to do the same.

Not letting the past define you but let it be the stepping stone to who you are to become.  


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