Taking out the trash

Today, like every day I rest my mind and take deep breaths.  I suppose some might consider that meditation, which it is to some extent.  

I breathe in, reflect with gratitude and hold it for a moment.  Then with my exhale, take out the trash.

What is the trash that leaves my mind with the exhale?

Events I had no control over.  When I wanted to react out of emotion and the feelings of inadequacy.  These moments are fleeting but over time, they add up and cause a build of of what I call trash.  

There is no place in my mind and heart to hold on to this, so with each exhale I take it out and let it go. 

I have said over and over, if you've done right today you can rest your head and sleep well.  Don't carry the guilt that others attempt to put on you, it will weigh you down.  Don't hold onto anger or sorrow they do no good.  

Tonight before you fall asleep, close your eyes, take a deep breath and take out the trash.  



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