I'm stuck at home, sick and going nuts.  Watching a series which is something I do not do often.  Rather, being outside, or surrounded by those who love me, as I am.

It got me thinking though.. 

What exactly is love?

Love is not,

  • Confining
  • Controlling
  • Demeaning
  • Hurtful
  • Resentful 

Love is,

  • Freeing
  • Supportive
  • Kind
  • Empowering
  • Forgiving 

Friends and family who love me unconditionally have shown these and to prove this point, I will say this.

Love is not always spoken with the four letters, as I use to come to expect from my father while I was leaving from each visit.  Love sounds like this.

  • I believe in you
  • I've got you
  • You can do this
  • I am proud of you

Love does not have to come from someone else though.  Love can come from within.  Before you rest your head tonight and for each day moving forward, tell yourself these.  Remind yourself that


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