
Before you read the below, please note that some of the content can be difficult to read.  If you are a survivor of child abuse, know you can reach out at any time and ask for help without shame.

Let me share with you an event about a young girl who became a woman.  

She was 10 years of age when it started to happen.  Secrets she was told not to share, ones that began shame.  Trying to crawl out of the moments they happened, she stopped believing in herself.  

"Let's pretend superhero's.  One of us will be the bad guy, one will be Superman who will, come and save you.  Just lay here and be as quiet as possible so they can't be found." 

The following several years it continued to happen.  She kept it inside, believing she was the problem.  It wasn't until she turned 16 when, with a friend she pressed charges.  The support wasn't given to her but to the "others" and she left to live with a foster family.  One who encouraged her to become more, despite the challenges.  

To this day, the girl who became a woman has faced challenges and over came them.  She has had what she believes were and are "butterflies" that have brought her back to her home several times, teaching her that along the journey, she too has become a butterfly to help others return.  

Do not dismiss what someone shares with you, help them believe in themselves so they too, can grow and become.  


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