Missed opportunity

What is the worst thing to take to our graves, yet this is done every single day?  We never hear from the ones that have left, their missed opportunities however, we know they exist.  These are regrets.

No matter the difficulty in life, they are still blessings as we need to be aware of the beauty if loss.  I, of course, can only speak for myself.  Being that I was raised in a diverse family, blended from different branches in life, I was afforded the opportunity to experience and live with my eyes open and a heart that was granted the gifts of growth through life’s experiences.

Being at the age of 5 years, I was ignorant to what life had to offer, including an abundance of clothing.  When a stranger took me to a local shopping center to purchase shoes for me, returning me safety home, all without my family knowing I left with a stranger all I knew was I had in my possession 3 new pairs of shoes.  Ignorance is bliss?  

At the fresh age of 5, I had no bias, fear, doubt, and every day, I which my heart beat the same way.  To this day, living life with that light is one of my desires.  Look at a child today, the inner peace they have and the joy they bring to themselves by just living in the moment.  


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