
Showing posts from June, 2023

Standing still

Moving forward can be difficult but in order to do this, one must stand still.  This means, you take inventory of your life, where it was, where it is and of course, where you want it to be.   Where it was.. Look back at the days before this moment and ask yourself what you were thinking about in relation to your goals.  What steps did you need to take to overcome the moment that froze you in a decision? Was the adversity putting your ability to move forward at a stand still? Where it is.. In this moment, you have a choice.  To become more than, better than and see the ability to do so, even with the fear of overcoming? Where you want it to be.. If you allow the fear to overcome what you know is needed, moving forward will almost always be the barrier to becoming.  The elephant tied to the chair will stop from moving, when in fact it was simply inside their mind.   Don’t let your thoughts become your reality.  Take a knife and cut that rope, free yourself from what stops you from where

Your North Star

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling but raising every time we fall.” Every day we wake are are given a choice in life.  To do better than yesterday or to repeat exactly what we’ve done the day before.  It can be as simple as being awake.  Knowing our failure and making the decision to become more.   Last year, around this time, I was facing what I felt was insurmountable stress.  While attempting to communicate to someone my worries, they kept asking to fill their cup when my own was more than empty.  My health was going down hill and no matter what I did, it was not enough.  Choosing to walk away after attempts to resolve issues, work on building a path I thought was right.   Making a change that I was terrified to do, not allowing it to repeat to the point of my personal health being impacted that I would end up in the hospital or worse.   Returning to my home city, surrounded by family and friends who love and support me, I have discovered that change is always good, challen

Unpaved paths

I have to give myself a kick some days.   Cheering on friends, family and coworkers, even strangers.  You can do this, you’ve got it and of course, it was always within you to do all you feared you couldn’t. I forget to tell myself these. One of the quotes that slips into my mind is “Doing the same thing over and over is the definition of insanity.”  Here I am though, looking down a path I fear to go as I know how difficult it will be.  Emotionally mostly.  Facing something that needs to be done.  Not being a stranger to paths that are unpaved, I know full well what is in front of me.  It’s taken almost a year to face this and I am ready.   What I’ve learnt is this.. Nothing will change unless the steps are taken forward.  Looking back does nothing good however, when it is required, a glimpse back gives fortitude to move forward.   I am, like you, worth it and never accept anything less than. No, is a complete sentence. Be honest with yourself and love yourself first. Your path was nev

Value yourself enough

I’ve spoken of parts in my life that were difficult however, not my personal accountability to them.   As a child, with the trauma faced I still choose to see the brighter side of life.  Giving empathy to the abusers, and the ones who failed to protect me however, I also choose to try to break the cycle.  Laying charges and having them become accountable for their actions, they admitted fully all of what they did. During court, the judge asked me what I wanted.  This was a pivotal point in my life.  What happened to them next was in my hands.  Jail or mandatory counselling.  I asked for what I thought was best, counselling.  Attending counselling before, during and after court, I worked to recognize it was not my fault.   What I didn’t do after created the paths I travelled for years to come. What I didn’t do? Not work on validating or putting myself first.  Learning all of this by carrying the burden of laying charges and being told it would ruin their lives, that I was the problem. L

Walking through

Here's the thing, life happens and we can become the sum of those events.  Or, we can choose to become more than. I recall as a child my mother having the below photo on the wall.  Little did she know the impact of it in my life. The truth of this is, we carry the above through out life but the choice is ours.  Living in grief of what could have been, what we've lost and the pain we have all endured.  Changing our behaviors are difficult, I know this for sure as I strive to do it daily.   I will not be the child survivor of sexual abuse or the woman who walked through domestic violence but the person who shared her stories to help others through their darkest moments.  I choose to become better than yesterday and crush though each goal set in front of me.  This is accountability and I challenge you to do the same. Not letting the past define you but let it be the stepping stone to who you are to become.