
Showing posts from 2022

Becoming lost

There are several ways one can become lost. Firstly, by walking off the path you see in front of you, into the forest, where darkness can reside.  Secondly, by moving forward, away from what frightens you most, one you believe is right, where there is light. There is a journey we all take, unknowingly to ourselves.  It is a foundation we create along the way in our lives to which we believe we have been gifted.  Good or bad, we accept it. We can step away from this and discover more than what our hearts feel is right.  It takes us beyond our expectations, into a life we could not have imagined.   Dare yourself. Look back, see the beauty in pain, hurt and anguish and use this as a stepping stone.  One that, without knowing strengthens our journey, into more. Take a deep breath, take it in and enjoy becoming lost.   With yourself, alone and with equanimity.  It will be something beyond your imagination.


They said,  “Darling, you have this light inside you that others can see and want to touch.  You just don’t understand it.” She knew her passion was driven by how she saw the world, no matter the difficulty in life, there was always an answer.   Do not discredit what you know to be true.  Do not toss out your intuition to make someone else happy, putting yourself last. Do not lose your spark to someone who’s light is dim.   It is their own responsibility to start their own spark and you need to keep on shining with yours.   How we brighten the world and our lives is our own choice.  We can choose to sit in the darkness and let that take over our life.  We can become consumed by the murky water and lose sight of the beauty around us,  or.. We can look up and see the light.   The beauty of seeing the light, is that we become the light.  We create our own spark and move forward.  Love yourself enough to say, I am worth it.  

You are enough

Each of us experience life from a perspective that is unique to ourselves.  Some of them, help build us into more than what we think we can become.   These experiences can be viewed as positive, uplifting giving us the ability to have a fuller life.  Some, which feel more difficult give us tools and the possibility of using them for growth.  Our world without notice, can change and the illusion we have our lives under control is the biggest hurdle.  When this happens, parts of ourselves feel as though it falls off making us feel less than.  Less than capable, Less than love, Less than who we thought we were. Perspective with distance can teach us what, without knowing we need to learn.  That we are capable, we are love and we are more than what we thought we were. Today, pick up those pieces you thought were lost in the past, beneath your feet and rise them above your heart and mind.  Use them to put things back together, with strength to build a better you, with love acceptance and fo

Three Important Words

Throughout our life we crave acceptance, unconditional love and safety.  It has become apparent that when these are weaved together, we believe that saying "I love you" represents those above stated.  This is not necessarily true, albeit hearing someone tell you they love you does hit a soft spot. Now, let's put some perspective into what I feel are the three most important words.  In any point of our lives, we develop relationships with others.  Typically, they may have similar values, goals and objectives.  That connection builds on trust and depending on yourself, can go further in any type of relationship.   On that journey of discovery, you may find that with trust, they understand you as a person and without hesitation, they may do something unexpected.  They step up for you.  However you see it and whatever the relationship is, having another's back is the biggest indicator of trust building and love.  That being said, the three most important words in my words

We are all capable

People watching is one of the best things you can do.  Sit back and see what happens when you stop and you’ll be amazing.  It will cost you nothing and can fill your tank.   Things you will see are laughter, love and kindness.  Expressions of gratitude and empathy.  Patience and trust, compassion and forgiveness.   We are all capable of these, so pause life and watch it unfold.  Once you allow yourself to see these, you will begin the practice of the same.  

Root Cause - Part 2

Last I wrote, it was to reflect on your root cause, encouraging you to grab a journal and reflect on the following. What was your trauma? What was the result? What were your survival techniques?  What did you discover when writing and reflecting on these?  Did you become honest with yourself and sit with what you were feeling?   For myself, when I've faced these questions it brings many emotions to the surface.  At first, disliking how uncomfortable it was, digging through them was essential to the healing process.  Here is how I dissected them, going back to childhood trauma.   I am going to warn you some of this may be triggering. Trauma - Childhood sexual abuse. Result - Lack of trust, disbelief in one self, emotional, fearful Survival techniques - Forget about it, stay away from home, crying, staying busy with other projects to keep the mind busy. Part of my personal journey to healing was accepting the gift of accountability.  Those who caused the abuse, faced their truth.  I

Root Cause - Changing your narrative part 1

Before I start, I want to make it clear.   I am not a psychologist, therapist or counsellor.  I am speaking and working from my personal experiences and truths in life, reflecting daily on my actions or reactions to others behaviours based on my past.    Defining root cause will lead to healing, understanding and empathy.   Not a human on this earth has gone unscathed, without trauma.  Our lives, without knowing it can be centered around this.  Similar to an unconscious bias, reactions to situations or behaviours exhibited by others.   Below is an example to help clarify A puppy is adopted by a family however, over some years this dog is mistreated by one member.  The dog learns not to trust that family member.  They disobey or become submissive due to the abuse.  Eventually, the dog bites back and is now labeled dangerous.   What was the dogs root cause? (why did they become this way - below are some questions you would consider to find out.) 1. What was your trauma?  (below are some

The root cause leading to your why

I recently saw a post on social media asking for people to interview on podcasts with a focus on those who are changing the world.  I recommended they looked at the speakers "Why" meaning, "why did they choose to work on changing the world, what was their root cause?" We all have these "root causes" in life that can at times, dictate the direction.  This is something I often reflect on, work on and move towards with positive energy . Although I may not change the entire world, I try to help others see the positive side, the philanthropic ability in each of us and expressing random acts of kindness, the ripple effect.   My personal why is based on several events in life, the roots cause.  I was exposed to many elements that I see now as stepping stones.  I had people who seemed to show up at times in my life that just gave me enough light to see the good in each situation.   Perhaps starting out as each of us do, I wanted to believe the good in everyone eve

The Cup

This person I know, they have this .. glow about them.  An amount of positive energy that I’ve not seen in a life time.  Their compassion and empathy is far beyond anyone I’ve met and no matter the difficulties they face in life, they see the brighter side of things.  Perhaps it is that positive energy from inside that lights up the darkness, wipes away fear an consumes any doubt.    They often go out of their way, ignoring their own personal issues to help others.  No complaints, they just do what is needed without drawing boundaries.  Giving is in their nature, kindness is what makes their heart beat.   Sometimes though, when this person gives all of themselves, they find their cup empty, possibly at the moment completely drained.  The energy gone and nothing left to give themselves or those closest to them.  Unaware, they are unable to do much and need to step away.  What others know as “a recharge” to fill the cup back up.   Now, think of this as yourself.  When you start the day,