Three Important Words

Throughout our life we crave acceptance, unconditional love and safety.  It has become apparent that when these are weaved together, we believe that saying "I love you" represents those above stated.  This is not necessarily true, albeit hearing someone tell you they love you does hit a soft spot.

Now, let's put some perspective into what I feel are the three most important words. 

In any point of our lives, we develop relationships with others.  Typically, they may have similar values, goals and objectives.  That connection builds on trust and depending on yourself, can go further in any type of relationship.  

On that journey of discovery, you may find that with trust, they understand you as a person and without hesitation, they may do something unexpected.  They step up for you.  However you see it and whatever the relationship is, having another's back is the biggest indicator of trust building and love. 

That being said, the three most important words in my words are not necessarily I love you but ..

I've got you

It is displayed in different ways;

Words - I am sorry you are going through this and I'm here to listen

Actions - Picking up groceries or shovelling the sidewalk

Reaction - Standing up for someone when they are or are not around

When you or the other person in this valued relationship does not act or speak these, then it becomes apparent that they either don't have the space in their lives to support you, or they choose not to.  It is at this point, you can make the choice to use your time and energy wiser.  Be aware of these and make the decision that is best for your mental, physical and emotional well being. 

Love always,



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