
They said, 

“Darling, you have this light inside you that others can see and want to touch.  You just don’t understand it.”

She knew her passion was driven by how she saw the world, no matter the difficulty in life, there was always an answer.  

Do not discredit what you know to be true.  Do not toss out your intuition to make someone else happy, putting yourself last. Do not lose your spark to someone who’s light is dim.  

It is their own responsibility to start their own spark and you need to keep on shining with yours.  

How we brighten the world and our lives is our own choice.  We can choose to sit in the darkness and let that take over our life.  We can become consumed by the murky water and lose sight of the beauty around us, 


We can look up and see the light.  

The beauty of seeing the light, is that we become the light.  We create our own spark and move forward.  Love yourself enough to say, I am worth it.  


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