Becoming lost

There are several ways one can become lost.

Firstly, by walking off the path you see in front of you, into the forest, where darkness can reside.  Secondly, by moving forward, away from what frightens you most, one you believe is right, where there is light.

There is a journey we all take, unknowingly to ourselves.  It is a foundation we create along the way in our lives to which we believe we have been gifted.  Good or bad, we accept it.

We can step away from this and discover more than what our hearts feel is right.  It takes us beyond our expectations, into a life we could not have imagined.  

Dare yourself.

Look back, see the beauty in pain, hurt and anguish and use this as a stepping stone.  One that, without knowing strengthens our journey, into more.

Take a deep breath, take it in and enjoy becoming lost.  With yourself, alone and with equanimity. 

It will be something beyond your imagination.


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