The Cup

This person I know, they have this .. glow about them.  An amount of positive energy that I’ve not seen in a life time.  Their compassion and empathy is far beyond anyone I’ve met and no matter the difficulties they face in life, they see the brighter side of things.  Perhaps it is that positive energy from inside that lights up the darkness, wipes away fear an consumes any doubt.   

They often go out of their way, ignoring their own personal issues to help others.  No complaints, they just do what is needed without drawing boundaries.  Giving is in their nature, kindness is what makes their heart beat.  

Sometimes though, when this person gives all of themselves, they find their cup empty, possibly at the moment completely drained.  The energy gone and nothing left to give themselves or those closest to them.  Unaware, they are unable to do much and need to step away.  What others know as “a recharge” to fill the cup back up.  

Now, think of this as yourself.  When you start the day, your cup is generally full.  If it’s not, that’s an indication you need to take time for yourself to recharge and refocus.  Breath, look around and be present. 

Give 5 gratitudes

Focus on 5 sights physically

Do 5 personal tasks to rebuild your confidence

Half way through the day, stretch and take a few deep breaths and refocus

At the end of your day, if you are able, talk with someone about it.  If you can’t then journal it.  

Refill your cup of love, light and energy for you.  


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