Root Cause - Part 2

Last I wrote, it was to reflect on your root cause, encouraging you to grab a journal and reflect on the following.

  1. What was your trauma?
  2. What was the result?
  3. What were your survival techniques? 

What did you discover when writing and reflecting on these?  Did you become honest with yourself and sit with what you were feeling?  

For myself, when I've faced these questions it brings many emotions to the surface.  At first, disliking how uncomfortable it was, digging through them was essential to the healing process.  Here is how I dissected them, going back to childhood trauma.  

I am going to warn you some of this may be triggering.

  • Trauma - Childhood sexual abuse.
  • Result - Lack of trust, disbelief in one self, emotional, fearful
  • Survival techniques - Forget about it, stay away from home, crying, staying busy with other projects to keep the mind busy.
Part of my personal journey to healing was accepting the gift of accountability.  Those who caused the abuse, faced their truth.  I recall being asked by the judge, what did I want to see happen.  I requested they go to therapy.  I wanted their roots to be exposed.  From this, came their truths of sexual abuse.  Not only did I learn about forgiveness, I learnt about empathy at 16 years of age.  

To this day, I will take accountability for stopping the cycle.  


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