
Showing posts from 2020

Choose your definition

What life do you want to live today? If I were to ask you that face to face, could you be honest enough to tell me and then do it?   Would you want to give some kindness on to another in need?  Put others first when you can?  Would you lend a hand when you see the opportunity?   Most of us, see the world through our personal lens, which is okay.   With the questions I asked you to start off with, I want you to take a moment to reflect on how life has shaped you and how you can make a difference on another’s.  Here are some examples. A mum and her young son leave a life full of abuse, terror and uncertainty.  They choose to try and make a change in their lives, all the while they make changes in others to keep their minds still.  By going out to help the less fortunate. You see, no matter how difficult life was, they were both aware that the world could be more difficult for another.  They made a choice that egg shells were no longer worth walking on and that constantly trying to choose

Toss your shame for some kindness

 It is not our place to judge another, yet it happens daily. As a young child, my grandmother taught me the following: 1. Respect - Always treat the janitor and CEO with the same level of respect. 2. Team work - If we do it together, it will be easier and done sooner. 3. Kindness - We are here to be in the service of others without any expectation of return. Keeping those key words in mind, I believe we need to move forward with them as a foundation to a stronger society.   Let me return to the opening sentence to one word..  judgement. It’s one we need to discard.  Regardless of our personal backgrounds, not one soul on this planet has gone without a struggle, and at times we hold our struggle in shame.  Mostly in fear of sharing due to judgement which can make ourselves vulnerable. Why is that?  Why do we hold our errors in shame?  Why do we not hold them as a lesson and build from them?  Lastly, why do we not do that for others?   It isn’t our place to cast a stone, that I truly bel

Winning thoughts..

If I could tell my younger self something it would be .. Trust in the journey. I can reflect on the hardships in this life over and over again but I’d rather reflect on the lessons, the rewards and the moments that brought me to where I am now.   Everyone has struggles, every single person.  The magnitude of them ranges on the recovery time.  It’s similar to surgery.  We all go in with expectations and come out with the task of rebuilding and recovery.  The time it takes is truly up to us as an individual.  Often, when recovery doesn’t go the way we thought, it can be something that was on our plate, not anyone else’s.   I was a child, not knowing my value as I struggled with abuse and at the age of 16 I left moving into a foster home, then becoming a mother at 18.  I knew the relationship I was in wasn’t right for us so we choose to go on our own ways in under a year.  A few years pass, not giving myself the right amount of value, I sought it out from another.   Th

We are changing

Here's the truth.  We are changing. I would like to say, from experience that the generation before me, had it much different and I've learnt how to open my mind and show the next generation how to be better than me. This is how  I see it. Some men, and women growing up 60 plus years ago..  had a different mind set.   Men were not to cry, love other men, show what was perceived as weakness.  Anger was expected to keep a woman or child in line, in fact if they were to fear the man, it was a show of respect. Women were not considered persons, had no ability to be more than raise a family.  Feed and tend to the needs of others.  Pay was never going to be equal and if a woman tried to leave a life that wasn't safe, would find herself as a failure, a tramp, an uneducated worthless breath of life. Children were to be seen, not heard.  They were to be fed at a smaller, seperate table and were to emulate their fathers past, to carry on traditions even if they were har


I have been accused for being vulnerable when, at times others feel I shouldn't.  The problem is, this is who I am .   Being open about my childhood, my previous relationship and life situations, they are part of me.  Some, the past part of me and I am okay with it. From a young girl, as many I fought to find value from my family.  As a young woman and mother, I swore to myself that I would do my best to give that value to the children I would bare, giving away any self care as I thought it was selfish.  Entering a relationship with the need to ensure the life that I felt was necessary, losing myself was truly what I felt was the last straw.  Over 2 decades later, I couldn't do it and had to make the change.  I wasn't enough to handle things and I was completely and utterly lost.  I had spiraled down knowing the climb out wouldn't be easy and not without tearing open some wounds I had never allowed to heal over the course of this life to date. The leaps of faith

Given a moment

Exposure is something we all encounter   Exposure to a flower blooming, the sky clearing, grass growing, most importantly, to life.  It gives us the opportunity to learn.   As a young child, seeing a cloud passing is a miracle in itself.  How and why are the questions but ultimately they watch the cloud go by, indiscriminately and mostly, without consequence.   Life passes, time goes on and the cloud has been placed in the back of the child's mind but other exposures have come, developing their thoughts, and perhaps creating or directing the path they are on. These exposures, regardless of the difficulty are something we all encounter and they, will test our inner strength.  A part that isn't typically challenged.  Not to say all exposures will be challenging but some will.   On the other side, where one comes out is where the light resides.  Where one becomes the butterfly from the caterpillar.  It's not anticipated but when it happens, it is the most beautiful m