Given a moment

Exposure is something we all encounter  

Exposure to a flower blooming, the sky clearing, grass growing, most importantly, to life.  It gives us the opportunity to learn.  

As a young child, seeing a cloud passing is a miracle in itself.  How and why are the questions but ultimately they watch the cloud go by, indiscriminately and mostly, without consequence.  

Life passes, time goes on and the cloud has been placed in the back of the child's mind but other exposures have come, developing their thoughts, and perhaps creating or directing the path they are on.

These exposures, regardless of the difficulty are something we all encounter and they, will test our inner strength.  A part that isn't typically challenged.  Not to say all exposures will be challenging but some will.  

On the other side, where one comes out is where the light resides.  Where one becomes the butterfly from the caterpillar.  It's not anticipated but when it happens, it is the most beautiful moment ones life.  

Move forward those encounters, if you are given the moment to be challenged, take a deep breath, embrace all that is coming with each step forward, know there is light at the end and your wings will spread and life will continue on.  

The fear of butterflies is the fear of growth.  Learn to grow, change and become more than what you imagined.


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