
I have been accused for being vulnerable when, at times others feel I shouldn't.  The problem is, this is who I am.  

Being open about my childhood, my previous relationship and life situations, they are part of me.  Some, the past part of me and I am okay with it.

From a young girl, as many I fought to find value from my family.  As a young woman and mother, I swore to myself that I would do my best to give that value to the children I would bare, giving away any self care as I thought it was selfish.  Entering a relationship with the need to ensure the life that I felt was necessary, losing myself was truly what I felt was the last straw.  Over 2 decades later, I couldn't do it and had to make the change.  I wasn't enough to handle things and I was completely and utterly lost.  I had spiraled down knowing the climb out wouldn't be easy and not without tearing open some wounds I had never allowed to heal over the course of this life to date.

The leaps of faith, were at times monumental however, they were never taken alone.  I just haven't seen it until now.  

As a young girl, facing the unimaginable, I had friends who showed me faith, gave me strength, 

As a mum, wanting to be the best example, I had strength to move forward in teaching values, faith and the belief of a better life.

As a woman, rebuilding myself and my career, friends and strangers showed up without question to once again show faith.  Signs started to happen that the path I was on was right.  

It is now, after all of the mountains I have climbed, the rivers swam and the air consumed, I have decided 
No more seeking approval, love or acceptance.

No more doubts or fears.

No more anger or resentment.  

I do not want to fight the world to show I can, I have or I will.  

It's time to take back the ability to say, what I've done was right, not only for my children or others but for myself and I am worth it.  

So, referencing the title of this blog, "We All Know One Person" share with me the one inside you that is enough.


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