We are changing

Here's the truth.  We are changing.

I would like to say, from experience that the generation before me, had it much different and I've learnt how to open my mind and show the next generation how to be better than me.

This is how  I see it.

Some men, and women growing up 60 plus years ago.. 

had a different mind set.  

Men were not to cry, love other men, show what was perceived as weakness.  Anger was expected to keep a woman or child in line, in fact if they were to fear the man, it was a show of respect.

Women were not considered persons, had no ability to be more than raise a family.  Feed and tend to the needs of others.  Pay was never going to be equal and if a woman tried to leave a life that wasn't safe, would find herself as a failure, a tramp, an uneducated worthless breath of life.

Children were to be seen, not heard.  They were to be fed at a smaller, seperate table and were to emulate their fathers past, to carry on traditions even if they were harmful. 

We, as people are changing...

and it's beautiful.  

Men are allowed to cry, love other men, show vulnerability. Anger isn't an answer and there are options.  Men are expected to walk along the line with their partners, in support of each other, to show respect.

Women are people, with the ability to do more than raise a family but carry a career to support a loving family with her partner.  She can do this on her own and become more to rise above the ashes.

Children are seen and heard.  They share the table and help build a family up.  Children emulate the future, with their dreams and passions, all while being supported by their parents as a team.  Creating their own lives, with the love and support of even strangers, to help them fly.  

This world is changing and even if you don't see it now, you will soon enough. 


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