
Showing posts from September, 2023


Typically, when I write it is a self reflection. Among others I am not without flaws or imperfections. Struggling with past words are one of my biggest downfalls.  I’m trying though and it is hard.  If I communicate with someone on how I feel or share an intimate detail it is because I care. Enough about you and about me.  Life gives us experiences and we all need to learn from them, including myself. Bridging the gap is hard but what is harder is doing it alone.  Don’t push those who care for you or even love you away but be there to simply listen
I'm stuck at home, sick and going nuts.  Watching a series which is something I do not do often.  Rather, being outside, or surrounded by those who love me, as I am. It got me thinking though..  What exactly is love? Love is not, Confining Controlling Demeaning Hurtful Resentful  Love is, Freeing Supportive Kind Empowering Forgiving  Friends and family who love me unconditionally have shown these and to prove this point, I will say this. Love is not always spoken with the four letters, as I use to come to expect from my father while I was leaving from each visit.  Love sounds like this. I believe in you I've got you You can do this I am proud of you Love does not have to come from someone else though.  Love can come from within.  Before you rest your head tonight and for each day moving forward, tell yourself these.  Remind yourself that

Taking out the trash

Today, like every day I rest my mind and take deep breaths.  I suppose some might consider that meditation, which it is to some extent.   I breathe in, reflect with gratitude and hold it for a moment.  Then with my exhale, take out the trash. What is the trash that leaves my mind with the exhale? Events I had no control over.  When I wanted to react out of emotion and the feelings of inadequacy.  These moments are fleeting but over time, they add up and cause a build of of what I call trash.   There is no place in my mind and heart to hold on to this, so with each exhale I take it out and let it go.  I have said over and over, if you've done right today you can rest your head and sleep well.  Don't carry the guilt that others attempt to put on you, it will weigh you down.  Don't hold onto anger or sorrow they do no good.   Tonight before you fall asleep, close your eyes, take a deep breath and take out the trash.     


Before you read the below, please note that some of the content can be difficult to read.  If you are a survivor of child abuse, know you can reach out at any time and ask for help without shame. Let me share with you an event about a young girl who became a woman.   She was 10 years of age when it started to happen.  Secrets she was told not to share, ones that began shame.  Trying to crawl out of the moments they happened, she stopped believing in herself.   "Let's pretend superhero's.  One of us will be the bad guy, one will be Superman who will, come and save you.  Just lay here and be as quiet as possible so they can't be found."  The following several years it continued to happen.  She kept it inside, believing she was the problem.  It wasn't until she turned 16 when, with a friend she pressed charges.  The support wasn't given to her but to the "others" and she left to live with a foster family.  One who encouraged her to become more, desp

Missed opportunity

What is the worst thing to take to our graves, yet this is done every single day?  We never hear from the ones that have left, their missed opportunities however, we know they exist.  These are regrets. No matter the difficulty in life, they are still blessings as we need to be aware of the beauty if loss.  I, of course, can only speak for myself.  Being that I was raised in a diverse family, blended from different branches in life, I was afforded the opportunity to experience and live with my eyes open and a heart that was granted the gifts of growth through life’s experiences. Being at the age of 5 years, I was ignorant to what life had to offer, including an abundance of clothing.  When a stranger took me to a local shopping center to purchase shoes for me, returning me safety home, all without my family knowing I left with a stranger all I knew was I had in my possession 3 new pairs of shoes.  Ignorance is bliss?   At the fresh age of 5, I had no bias, fear, doubt, and every day, I