Men shouldn't cry

By now, you may know that I've had the diverse life, mostly surrounded by men.  5 brothers, and 2 sons and a few relationships.

Throughout life, I've seen some ups and downs from a perspective of a woman but .. at times, listening to a guys point of view here is what I've learnt.  

Women were to be at home, taking care of the family and men, they were to bring home the money, pay the bills and not worry about the next step.  Men were to be that knight in shining armour on the horse, saving the day.

If a man needs a break, they were seen as "weak" or "unstable".  When a man cries or when they break down, or even ask for help, they feel they no longer "fit" for society.
When a woman needs a break, she needs to heal, she requires support and love, compassion and understanding.

Women have broken that glass barrier but why haven't men?  Why hasn't society stopped that thought process? 
Food for thought
You are at work and walk into the lunch room.  There is a girl you work with, she's in tears.  What do you do?  
You are at work and walk into the lunch room.  There is a guy you work with, he's in tears.  What do you do?
How did you answer those?

Here are some facts;

In Canada in 2009 it was recorded that suicide rates for men were 3 times higher than females.  (See the link below.)

I am protective of my two sons, who are pretty damn fantastic.  (in my humble opinion) What I tell them is how to forgive, how to take an apology, how to give one, to stand up for themselves and hopefully, recognize when they need a break and do some self care.  

Screw the world that thinks men shouldn't cry.  Men are entitled to as much as women and children.  It is healthy and necessary and it's time for us to change that.  See links below substantiating my thoughts.

This is why

Suicide rates - Facts


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