
Gifts, we receive them throughout life however, most of us see them as tangible items passed on to us from another.  I however, see it much differently and of course mostly due to life's experiences.  

As a young girl, the neighbours would give me cookies and tea when they saw me wandering the neighbourhood alone.  Yes, the cookies and tea would fill my tummy but what they gave me was safety, security and compassion.  Of course, I didn't see it then but I do now.

As a teen, I would watch in awe my father play his guitar.  I would be at his feet, singing along.  Later in life, he gifted me his guitar.  It wasn't about the present but about being present throughout his life.  He gifted me patience, love, empathy and stillness.  

As a woman, one of my older brothers tried to gift one of my children his drums.  I refused them in fear of days and nights drowning in the sound of something I wasn't sure I could bare to hear.  This man wanted to gift my children more than I knew back then.  It was the opportunity to foster a relationship he wanted.  Of course, I didn't see that.  

Until about 5 years ago, I did not know this.  Before then, it was about something I could hold, see or touch.  What changed me, was life.  I slowed down, started to watch more, listen with intent and love the moments that were given to me.  

The gifts I cherish mostly are time, patience, love, empathy, safety, security, sight, sound, smells, relationships, laughter.. 

I could go on but let me reframe something.  A gift is something that is given without expectations and is from the heart.  It will never make you feel anything but loved.  

Take a moment today, reflect on the gifts you've received and capture that feeling of gratitude.  Put them in a special place for when you need a simple reminder.


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