The reasons why

I can bet that at one point or another in your life you’ve had a burning question about why you are here.

what is your purpose.

I have, and at times It’s been a struggle.  

Why did something happen?  

Well, this is what I can surmise.  

With all the circumstances that have been presented thus far, I have overcome them.  I reflect on how and why.  


While falling, I would find the reason to get up.  After time, looking back I would see that what I felt was an insurmountable climb, it was simply a step up towards something bigger.

Each challenge taught me about forgiveness and love.  

Knowing now, forgiveness isn’t something that happens over night but an event that happens over days, months and years.  

This brings me to the answer to the question which lays within myself and in all of you.


To show that forgiveness isn’t just for the other person.  Forgiveness isn’t an act that closes what has torn me apart inside but an emotion that shows others, including my children I can be more than what I ever thought.  When they look back at who their mother was they will see someone who taught them more than ever anticipated including that I will love myself enough to forgive another.

I pray they will grow beyond me.  I know that why I’m here is to help humanity learn to become better, and if I describe humanity in my children then I’ve hit the nail on its head.  


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