It's been some time since I've written.  To be honest, I was going through some life changes and was focusing on the next step.  Not knowing where things would lead, trusting the path proved to be difficult and at times, and I wanted to throw in the towel.  Mentally and physically I didn't know if I could do what was needed.  

That being said, a light shone each time I turned a corner.  It became brighter with each step forward.  Being terrified if the turns were up or down at times felt insurmountable.  

After an unhealthy marriage, I had entered into an unhealthy relationship, which to this day, if I had stayed, would not have ended the way my heart wanted.  

So, here I am again facing life on my own.  This time, fixing things that needed to be addressed years ago.  Not knowing what tomorrow will bring, it still will come and when it does, things will be okay.

Why am I expressing this today?  

I want YOU to know it will be okay.  You can make goals but know the results not happen overnight.  Take each step towards them, acknowledge each step as a success.  Do not forget to breathe, do not forget to remind yourself how proud you are of these steps, yourself and the progress.  

It's okay to take a break too.  It is okay to rest and recharge but most importantly, keep those boundaries up.  Do NOT give in and let yourself slide backwards.  You are a beautiful human who is capable of more than you could have ever dreamt of.  

Until tomorrow, may the sun shine on your face, the wind be at your back and you feel loved.




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