
Showing posts from June, 2019

The reasons why

I can bet that at one point or another in your life you’ve had a burning question about why you are here. what is your purpose. I have, and at times It’s been a struggle.   Why did something happen?   Well, this is what I can surmise.   With all the circumstances that have been presented thus far, I have overcome them.  I reflect on how and why.   How?   While falling, I would find the reason to get up.  After time, looking back I would see that what I felt was an insurmountable climb, it was simply a step up towards something bigger. Each challenge taught me about forgiveness and love.   Knowing now, forgiveness isn’t something that happens over night but an event that happens over days, months and years.   This brings me to the answer to the question which lays within myself and in all of you. Why? To show that forgiveness isn’t just for the other person.  Forgiveness isn’t an act that closes what has torn me apart inside but an emotion tha

What's in your tool box?

In life, we carry a tool box that no one can see and life experiences are the tools we gain along the way.   We stumble, then learn to get back up.  Wiping with our hands, what brought us down.  Pain can teach us a lot, more on how to become resilient, becoming empathic and mostly, forgiving.   Some of the tools are brighter than others.  They teach us to fix what is wrong, to be braver and smarter each day.  When you need a tool you've learnt, no matter how hard the experience was, it will be there to help you fix things, become better, and to heal.

Men shouldn't cry

By now, you may know that I've had the diverse life, mostly surrounded by men.   5 brothers, and 2 sons and a few relationships. Throughout life, I've seen some ups and downs from a perspective of a woman but .. at times, listening to a guys point of view here is what I've learnt.   Women were to be at home, taking care of the family and men, they were to bring home the money, pay the bills and not worry about the next step.  Men were to be that knight in shining armour on the horse, saving the day. If a man needs a break, they were seen as "weak" or "unstable".  When a man cries or when they break down, or even ask for help, they feel they no longer "fit" for society. When a woman needs a break, she needs to heal, she requires support and love, compassion and understanding. Women have broken that glass barrier but why haven't men?  Why hasn't society stopped that thought process?  Food for thought You are at work and walk


Gifts, we receive them throughout life however, most of us see them as tangible items passed on to us from another.  I however, see it much differently and of course mostly due to life's experiences.   As a young girl, the neighbours would give me cookies and tea when they saw me wandering the neighbourhood alone.  Yes, the cookies and tea would fill my tummy but what they gave me was safety, security and compassion.  Of course, I didn't see it then but I do now. As a teen, I would watch in awe my father play his guitar.  I would be at his feet, singing along.  Later in life, he gifted me his guitar.  It wasn't about the present but about being present throughout his life.  He gifted me patience, love, empathy and stillness.   As a woman, one of my older brothers tried to gift one of my children his drums.  I refused them in fear of days and nights drowning in the sound of something I wasn't sure I could bare to hear.  This man wanted to gift my children more th