
Now I want you to know, that I've done my best to live an honest life.  (sometimes faltering) I've also been privileged to have had opportunity with experience.  Some hard ones, some amazing ones, some beautiful ones.  They've all taught me one very important lesson.


I could be referring to what you learn in a educational institution but this one is learnt by simply living.  

As a young child, we were not afforded much.  For instance, shoes were a privilege and if we got to wear them, it was always for purpose.  Playing outside wasn't necessary to use them during the summer so I learnt what was necessary.  No second thoughts. 

As a young woman, I faced many challenges with family.  Which I can say proudly, were over come, keeping as much dignity for everyone intact.  The path I choose to travel on this particular subject wasn't tidy but it sure was the right one.

In my mid 20's life did a dramatic change and I was given opportunity to travel and do things I never even dreamt of.  Half way across the world, overlooking mountains, I may have felt a sense of gratitude.  However, a small voice in my head whispered "open  your eyes" and so I did.  I stepped out of my safety net and started to talk to strangers, ask questions and put myself into what they didn't have .. shoes.  I gained empathy beyond my wildest dreams.  

In my 40's I woke up.  I discovered, that items didn't fulfill me and that being "owned" wasn't who I was.  That no person should hold against me how much I owed them due to what they've done for me.  I choose to walk away and give life a reboot.  I know for certain that words were spoken about my choices but I didn't speak back and kept to myself.  After 5 years of speaking my truth in private, I discovered who I've become through all the "Classes" I've attended.  

Childhood, parenting, friendship and partnership.  Each granting me an input that not one institution could have provided.  On the flip side of "Class" I've also discovered that keeping your word, being truthful and standing your ground are principles that also create class.  No amount of money can buy class, no place you live, no car you own and no number in your account.  

Class is about the ability to learn and stick to your values when all else fails.  

Be the person you want to be.



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