
As life creeps up on us, we can either stick to what we know or learn from what is around us.  

I figure, for the most part, we follow in the steps of our parents and those who have an influence on us, taking their example for life.

I was granted the fortitude through experience to seek out differences.  With that, I've learned how to hold myself accountable for each of the choices I make daily.  Perhaps not living by a specific religion, I've taken on the gratitude for the faith that has given me to persevere onto the next chapter, wherever that leads.  

Within life's moments, we are given opportunity to stand up for what's right, even when it can be difficult or take the path of least resistance.  The easier one, mostly at times, with the support of those around us with the same opinion.  It could be when a person has been berated and laughter by the group ensues.  Or when a fellow student has been shown in a light, not favouring their best attributes, gossip can begin.  

It's when these moments happen, that your values and morals come into call.  You will be held accountable only by yourself.  I ask you, can you reflect on your choices and believe that you've made the ones, no matter how difficult, were the ones that were the best?  

I'll step forward here, raising my hand and state clearly; "I've not always made the best choices, but.. I have also learnt from them and will not make those again." 

I will also acknowledge that some of the greatest moments in my life were when I did stand up on my own, with as much strength in my soul and say, "NO".  This gave me more strength than a group of on lookers cheering for the wrong.  

As I said, I hold myself accountable for the actions and reactions that surround my moments each day, keeping my faith as strong as possible by believing, what I do, will carry on to another.  A smile, I hug, a moment or a simple word.  

We are never poor enough to give on kindness, we are never without enough time or the ability to give it.  We cannot measure kindness nor can we reject it.  Kindness is the one action that can help heal and pass on faith.  Regardless of who or what we believe in, the strongest part of our faith is that kindness is, the substance that resonates equally.  

Do you part today, be that one person and hold yourself accountable.


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