Be the light, not the darkness

In the past year, I've been given the opportunity to make change.  

After years of dedicating my life to my children, I had developed value based choices.  I knew that the results of my children were from the choices I made while they grew up.  Always trying to be the example of who I wanted them to become, only better.  Opportunities to teach them how to treat others, how to care for themselves, including how to take accountability or how to accept an apology.

Now, in a career where I have the opportunity to help others become the best version of themselves, no matter what they are doing, is the key to my passion.  I am filled with gratitude daily seeing the growth and development of the team I work side by side with.  

It isn't about numbers, albeit numbers tell a story and keep the truth close.  It is more than that.  To see how one becomes confident in their choices and actions.  How they challenge me to temper my own reaction, and mostly how proud of them I am.  The best part?  They know it.  

Teams are not lead by someone, teams are built on a foundation of trust, communication and working through tough moments, to a clear end goal that everyone works towards.  Not one team has succeeded by having a leader tell them what to do but rather, a team member helping them become.  

Be that person in someone's life who inspires others be powerful beyond measure, be the light, not the darkness.  

"Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us."  Maryann Willimason


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