Time & place

There is a place and time for each of us. We start, grow and become. 

I’ve been asked why I started this blog and why I called it “We all know one person” 

Let me explain. 

Years ago as a young girl, I was faced with the choice to make a change in life. Not just for myself but for others. It catapulted the direction of my life, creating gratitude when I was down inside a place of darkness. When asked why I became, I explained that without gratitude I would have become a statistic. I would have remained in the hole, possibly with addiction issues, depression and a life not worth living. 

Although the following 20 years I thought things were going in a direction I wanted it forced me to make another big decision. To walk away from what I thought happiness was. In reality, I was not respecting my own values and had to choose to honour who I was deep down inside. 

After that life change, I was determined to share my stories and help others become. I watched the progression of others in similar life events and found that my happiness returned, the strength inside becoming more and my self belief shining. 

We all know one person who has travelled their path to become. 

I’m sitting in a wee pub, alone and quite content with things in this very moment. This place, in this time I am becoming more, just like you. 

This photo was taken on a walk last weekend with some friends. 


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