Be the pebble

In a world full of anger and mistrust there is more.  Before I go on, let me explain that no matter how small you feel, you can make a difference. Such as the pebble in your shoe.

I’ve created a life in which happiness is not gifted but created at each moment given.  

Always being up early, I come sit outside and take deep breaths with gratitude.  Not being of any specific faith, I give thanks for the opportunity to live life again today.  I then reflect on the previous days actions that were taken by myself and see the beauty, even in the struggles. Refusing to let them get inside my head, I put them in a bin and close the lid.  A practice I’ve learnt during EMDR therapy. It’s been almost a year since I choose to leave unhealthy and become more.  

Each day, while I commute to work I listen to a podcast that sets the day for myself.  It’s part of my own process.  

While at work, I carefully plan the day, filling my journal after each task checking them off.  This holds myself accountable and is self rewarding.  Throughout the day, I’ll speak kindly to those around me, reminding them that an apology isn’t always necessary or that I’m proud of their own personal successes.  I’d rather help another rise in each task. 

When I am granted the opportunity, after I’m done my work a walk is part of my personal therapy.  I’ll take the tough moments and put them in the bin, give gratitude for moments I could make a difference.  While on my walks, I’ll stop and offer to take photos of others in their moments to show them what I see.  

You see, in all of this, I want to be the pebble in life.  It may be uncomfortable to accept phrase, love and gratitude but I’ll continue to help make a difference.  I don’t want the world to be full of anger or mistrust but of everything opposite.  

You are welcome to join the walk with me, become a pebble and make a difference for yourself and others. 


  1. You are definitely a pebble my friend.❤️ Gratitude for you in our world. You always show the simplicity that makes a difference.

    1. Thank you.. we all make differences in others lives without knowing.

  2. I absolutely love the idea of taking pics for people ! I may have to borrow your idea ๐Ÿ’›

    I also have a drive to work ritual.. I do thankfuld and gratitude out loud. It's a great way to start the day & it makes rush hour traffic more tolerable ๐Ÿ˜Š
    xoxo. Marianne

    1. Having routines are helpful ๐Ÿ’•

  3. Hello. That was lovely to read. Gave me hope. Who do you see for EMDR? That seems to resonate with me these days. Kerry

    1. I am seeing a therapist in the city who I was referred to in January. It’s going well and really taught me a lot about myself rather than what I thought I needed to work on. Putting the things that I struggled with into a “trash can” and focusing on a positive moment in life when I struggle helps as well.


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