
Showing posts from July, 2023


Often, like many some days can be a struggle.  I’ve learnt to take those and put them in a bin after processing the negative thoughts, discarding them. Life has ebbed and flowed, with many experiences I would like to wish never happened.  The truth is, they happened and have made me more resilient than expected.  From a young girl to a grown woman, I wouldn’t be who I am today and for that I am full of gratitude.  This thought process has not come easy and there have been days I didn’t want it to continue.  I choose to carry on, knowing that tomorrow is another day, with an opportunity to turn things around.   Starting over happens to everyone, all the time.  You are not alone and it is important to know how loved you are, even when you feel alone. Mum use to tell me that no one can love me until I loved myself and to this day, it holds true.   The secret, if there is one, is to know that when you lay your head down at night, reflect on the good things, knowing you put your best foot f

Be the pebble

In a world full of anger and mistrust there is more.  Before I go on, let me explain that no matter how small you feel, you can make a difference. Such as the pebble in your shoe. I’ve created a life in which happiness is not gifted but created at each moment given.   Always being up early, I come sit outside and take deep breaths with gratitude.  Not being of any specific faith, I give thanks for the opportunity to live life again today.  I then reflect on the previous days actions that were taken by myself and see the beauty, even in the struggles. Refusing to let them get inside my head, I put them in a bin and close the lid.  A practice I’ve learnt during EMDR therapy. It’s been almost a year since I choose to leave unhealthy and become more.   Each day, while I commute to work I listen to a podcast that sets the day for myself.  It’s part of my own process.   While at work, I carefully plan the day, filling my journal after each task checking them off.  This holds myself accountab