
I've been picking at this post for a few weeks now.  In reflection I see that my hesitation is purely based on my own growth.  Moving forward without emotion is tough and to distance ones self from this isn't necessary what is needed.  I implore you to sit with them and allow each to move through yourself as I try each and every day.  

A measuring stick is used to physically measure distance.  

In life it can be used for personal growth.   

Reflecting on the 50 years granted thus far, I choose personal growth daily, not being the same person I was and always having the desire to become more, being present.

Growth means that one may not choose the same patterns from their past but to rip apart the sheets of history to do more for ourselves. 

Einstein said, 

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again, expecting different results." 

If you want to grow, make the change, push yourself.  Use your ruler as a way to measure your growth.  Step out of your comfort zone and be who you are destined to be.  


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