
In 2017, while away on vacation in another province the opportunity presented itself to climb to the peek of Thanksgiving mountain. Not knowing the guides, area or having the necessary items for safety the leap was something my heart guided.  

At the base I met the group, prepared then started the ascent.  While being educated on various sights, my breath was taken away.  Beauty and this life experience was far beyond my expectations.  We hit sub alpine and then the peek.  I took a moment alone and the biggest breath in my life.  It was something unexpected yet the most rewarding.  

Today, if you are given the opportunity to challenge yourself, to try and to become, then do it.  Without reservations, expectations or fear.  

Each moment in my own personal life has helped create the woman I am today.  No matter the level of difficulty, I will rise up to the challenge and do my personal best.  Today, I choose happiness.

On our way up

Sub alpine
The guides
The view


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