
Showing posts from January, 2023

Let go, let be

Let go, let be  is also known as mindfulness. Some feel that holding onto anger is justification to our pain.  What we tend to forget is that when doing so, we hurt ourselves more.   I had been around someone in a past where they were angry at everything and everyone, they felt did them wrong. No matter how much I tried, there was always justification to how they felt.  My well became completely dry trying to fill theirs up.  Not understanding their inability to focus on the future, seeing the beauty in the smallest of actions or what surrounded them. Walking away from what almost destroyed me was a difficult choice, not done with a light heart.  I choose not to become like them. I will say this time and time again.   When we hold onto anger, it is similar to holding hot coal.  It will hurt and eventually burn you.  Your life is what you make of it.  The choices, the actions and the reactions.  Control is an illusion to which we give unnecessary power.   Let go and let be.  You will be

The healing journey

Faith in others and myself, doing what I believed was right has kept me moving forward.  I am aware though, some do not have your best interest at heart and when you encounter this, it can cause psychological struggles, and possibly damage, including trauma.   When experiencing these behaviours, we need to be accountable for our selves, our reactions and our healing.   Not often are we given the opportunity to face those who have done the harm but if given the chance, you may encounter an apology from the other person(s).  They may then, expect your forgiveness, and ultimately, absolution.  It is from my own experience of childhood & adult trauma, that neither are necessary or a give in.   Let me expand on my personal experience, with as much grace and vulnerability as possible. I was around 15 when flashbacks started.  Recalling sexual abuse from family members, following the disclosure that one of their partners was expecting a child and it was a girl.  My fight or flight kicked