How to see beauty

 On a daily basis I give gratitude.  I live in abundance of this and choose to return it.  I share, I give, I feed and I love.  I cannot do anything different and it is who I am.  One of my fondest memories, is about my younger son.  Although both have taught me more than I could have ever anticipated, this moment was not only about gratitude but pride.  I believe what I had been trying to do, was right and I saw it unfold with my own two eyes.

Before I tell you about it, let me lay some base.  We had lived in a life surrounded by bigotry, racism, misogyny, sexism, ignorance and intolerance.  Both of us knowing full well it wasn’t right, I made a life change to remove us from this toxic environment.  In the time of growth for my younger son and I, we also went to volunteer at a local homeless shelter by providing food with others outside before those who needed shelter went inside.  After dinner had been served, while clean up it happened.

A young man that was part of our group serving food, had been crouched down, holding a blanked over another who was unable to get up, encouraging them to do so.  This young man then put a touque on the persons head and then arm under theirs to help raise them to their feet.  They walked slowly over to the doors of the shelter and went in for the evening.  The young man retreated from the entrance of the shelter on to his next task.  What is important to share here is, the young man who was helping the other up, would have been stereotyped as a gang member, only based on their appearance.

My son turned and said to me.. 

“Mum, did you see that?”
“Yes love. I did.  What do you think of it?”
“Dad was wrong.”

It was by far, the most powerful parenting moment I have ever experienced.  It not only taught my son how to be a better human but that, I had in fact, been successful in a lesson I wanted to give to him. 

Returning to the beginning, referencing practicing gratitude.  I will say thank you for every difficult moment that has crossed my path.  For this has made me wiser as I now know, I am capable.  I am thankful for the opportunity these moments in which they have taught me, I still want to be the example I can be to help make change.  

If you know of anyone trying to break free of life and to start living it, pass on these words of life experience. 

1. Do not wait for the moment to come, make the moment happen.

2. Living in the past will never help you grow and become.  Live for today and this moment.

3. Practice gratitude.  Some days are more difficult than others but trying small amounts leads to great things.  

Love always.


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