Without judgement, keep pressing forward.

When I began writing online in 2012, I never imagined how therapeutic it would become.  Of course knowing from a very early age that writing would be an outlet which freedom was granted in solitude.  

I started to create my own narrative by trying to live what I thought was a better life, always allowing room for error, admitting faults and making room for improvements.  

Life wasn't gifted to us to judge or condemn another soul as each of us have a struggle and weight to hold and perhaps help the other in times of need.  

Like everyone else, to have an opportunity to make choices independently, see the results and learn.  I don't want the responsibility of telling someone else they did wrong when I know full well I am capable of doing the same.. 

So, while spending time in this life, doing what we can keep trying, no matter how slow.  

I will do my best, and live what I teach and hope you can do the same.  Remember, there will be rocks, hills and storms to pass through, just keep moving forward.  

Nothing human can be alien to me


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