
Showing posts from March, 2021

Survivors guide to healing from abuse..

I haven’t written in here for a wee bit as I am working on some steps in recovery which require me to be present in life, with the big changes I’ve made.. but let me give you some words of advise or better yet, words of experience...  Firstly I did what most of you are either starting to recognize or plan.  I left my exnar. (A term used to describe abusive people in your past) In the middle of chaos, with a 15 year old boy and with the help of the police and child services.  The leaving took 1 full year of planning.  Although we had already been walking on egg shells (our son and I) and pretending to be “okay” the falsehood was hard to keep secret.  Part of me was excited to live life again, the other part was fear of getting caught (and for the first time ever, I’ll say this) fear of losing our lives.  We finally left.  It wasn’t that easy but this isn’t why I’m here today..  I’m here today to help you build steps towards recovery.  Here is what we did.  1. Journal.  Every thought, em

Covid gratitude

When, and I speak with trepidation but when we return to whatever normal is, I hope we learnt some important lessons.  Simple but important... 1. The strength of a smile.  We’ve hidden behind masks (for the most of us) I miss facial gestures.  I miss the strength of a smile, how it made me feel how I saw the expression of another. 2. The power of a hug.  My lord.. hugs are part of my being.  I squish the heck out of people.  It feeds my soul.  I will hug you to the moment you may feel uncomfortable then, you’ll fall into my arms and feel better again. 3. The life of a conversations with others.  Sharing stories, laughing at experiences, yelling at the TV during a sporting event.  Mostly laughing. 4. Discovering how being in the moment has taught me to love life.  I feel I always did but now, more so than ever.  Sacrificing what I knew over a year ago to be where I am today.. I cannot express how tough it’s been but how much I’ve changed.   I am looking forward to life after lockdown.