Hands to hold while we are here

 I have been fortunate enough to meet people and traveled to places I never dreamt possible as a child.  My life, as many others, started out narrow with small expectations has almost come full circle. Perhaps with ones who were willing to help guide me through the journey I was always one to trust and take the others hand.  

After a few short years of life, I was exposed to kindness.  A moment that has taught me more than I could have imagined.  Blessed with a blended family, I was given lessons of grace through struggles and again, was taught more than I could have anticipated.  






In my life has shape or help create who I am today and for that, I will not apologize.  

What I do apologize for is the fear I carry forward of life repeating itself when it was more than I thought I could bare.  For some reason, I become blind to my reactions and forget the good moments that shaped who I am as a fair and decent human.

Alone on that last word, I'll always admit.. 

I am only human.

Not knowing where I'll go next or what I'll do, I promise those around me, who have put in their parts that ... 


On that note, live life.  Do NOT be afraid to embrace all that awaits you.  Laugh, cry and run in the rain.  Let the drops was across your face and wash it anew.  Make friends with strangers, throw a snowball, collect a few rocks, jump in the water, lean into the wind, take a deep breath, be the person you want to be, build memories and above all, be kind. 


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