
Showing posts from May, 2019

Why I choose forgiveness

The journey of forgiveness for me started when I was 15.  Due to finding out one of their girlfriends became pregnant, and it was a girl.   The weeks following I had, what I thought were dreams, however in fact, they were flashbacks which I suppressed.  Evenings of being touched when I was 10.  Days of being told to "pretend" they were superhero's that had to do "things".  Then when I was 12, I told someone in which, they told me, "Everyone has secrets" and to forget about it, this was to  never happen again.   I don't believe it ever did happen again, what I do know is that it came flooding back in the instant the pregnancy was announced.   Shortly after, speaking to a school councilor, they registered me with a group with others to talk about it.  Starting privately with a therapist until I was comfortable.  Learning to speak about what happened, and with who.  I went from confused to hurt to angry then .. to forgiveness.  Confusion start

Holding hot coal

I’ve been struggling with the ability to write lately as life does not stop nor grant forgiveness when, at times we feel it necessary.  Given the last wee bit of time, reflection is a essential coping tool, and for that, I am grateful.   Everyone has a moment, in which they will be challenged to face a decision.  That outcome will be some of your most defining moments.   A friend told me in a moment of privacy the other day this; "Anger is like holding a bit of hot coal, you will always be burnt before you pass it on." Anger will consume you. For every moment I have been given the choice; Anger or to forgive, I have more often than not, chosen to forgive.  Now, I am not perfect and many times, I struggle with this.  I know for one thing, anger drains me.  I literally  can sleep for days on end, want to crawl into a small child and cry.   When I forgive though?  I feel as free as the wind which blows between the trees, flowing and helping to give life.   Don'