
Showing posts from April, 2019

Faith in ourselves

While I sit, in a quite space I reflect on faith.  Being that it is Easter Sunday, I see faith as a non-denominational discussion.  My question today for you is;  If we are to understand that we are created in the image of "god" and we have faith in that, why do we not have faith in ourselves?   Many discussions are centred around losing faith in ourselves, not being able to compete a task, failure at what is presented. Do we know that as much as success is part of life, the same can be for failure?  Learning and becoming better is part of the journey we travel on.  To condem failure is to condem life.   Take a moment to look back and see how that each time you've fallen, you've gotten back up.  The times that you have succeeded in the step back, you have become stronger, wiser and better. Believe in yourself and have the same faith.  

Learning, gaining & heading out

I enjoy writing about positive experiences, to show that "we all know one person" who can make a positive change in life.  Today though, I reflected on something I became lost on.   Due to my personal understanding, I know we can be a positive influence on others when we are completely unaware.   Having the privilege of speaking to someone this week about my experiences in life.  W e discussed what I have I learnt, what I've gained and where do I want to go. Firstly, "What have I learnt?"  I am adaptable.  I typically can figure out what people need and what I should do to make the best of any situation.  That's easy, I am, what they call in the the book "5 love languages", one that is "in the service of another" which makes me happiest.  You are happy, I am happy. Secondly, "What I've gained?"  Wow.. gratitude.  Gratitude for opportunities, for people, friends and experience regardless of what they are.   Lastly, &