Newtons 3 laws

It can be said that when the world fails around us, we may fail as well.  

This isn't always the case, let me explain.

Because, it is a choice.  Almost every reaction we have to an action is a choice.  It is, quite simply one of the laws of motion.  

1. Every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force.  

2. The acceleration of an object is dependant on two variables, the net force acting upon the object and and the mass of the object.

3. To every action there is always an opposed and equal reaction.

We must, recognize when things are getting tough and learn to take a step back. This will only help the direction change, in which I refer to the first law of motion.  Life isn't intended to be straight, it is intended to change and to develop.  

When we start feel we are losing control, the force of how fast or hard this goes, is entirely based on the external influences.  Can you take a moment to step back and remove yourself from them?  In this, I refer to the second law of motion.  

Finally, you must know the result of your choices will be exactly what you put into it.  Knowing that if you fail to see the cracks, it will fall apart.  If you choose to walk carefully around, noting all the spots that need attention, it will stick. 

In life, we will be tossed several opportunities to learn from.  Some easier than others, and at times, some difficult.  Keep these laws in mind when you choose how to deal with them.

Straight or curved, how much determination you will have and lastly, carefully planning the success of the outcome.  


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