Who has influenced you?

As we experience life, we gain knowledge and understanding for ourselves and for others.  Empathy is not something we are given at birth but through growth and experience, we receive more.  

I recall my mum telling me after I came to her as a young child with questions about a young girl I had met.  
"Mum, why does she have a different colour of skin that me?"
My mum, being the empathic woman she was, explained something I've never forgotten.
"Darling, her culture may not be the same but that doesn't make her different or less of a person.  In fact, she has a lot you can learn from and I encourage you to become her friend.  Know this, that deep inside, her heart is the same shape, her mind thinks the same and her blood, if she was to be cut, you would see the same as yours.  Never judge someone from what you see on the outside.  Give them time and listen to them."
This girl grew up in my life and has become my sister and yes, I've learnt a lot from her.  She is a modest woman who is giving and kind.  She has taught me that in life, it is not important to have the biggest job, house or car.  Nor is it important to be the one at the top, looking down.  Most importantly, it is the one who stands with everyone, working together to help us all become a better person.  

Share with me, who has influenced you the most in life and why?


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