How to encourage positivity

Often, we don't know where to start with positivity but let me tell you some words from experience.  Kindness, is like a snowball rolling down a hill.  With the momentum as it rolls, it gathers strength and size, picking up more along the way.  

I remember my first volunteer experience.  I was 12 years of age, in Canada, too young to actually start working at the time.  I wanted desperately to earn money for myself but found that gaining volunteer experience would gain respect in the future from possible employers.  What I didn't anticipate, was the value of empathy and the tool of giving back.  

Fast forward to today.  I was having a conversation with a friend about their personality.  Telling me how they saw themselves as a "B" type personality with a small amount of "A" type.  If you don't know what either means, I'll give you my best description 

Type A - Personalities that are more competitive, highly organized, ambitious, highly aware of time management.

Type B - While more relaxed, less "neurotic or frantic", but 'explainable'.

I had to hold in a small amount of laughter for a moment, as how I saw him and how he saw himself was quite similar but putting a label on himself was, simply in my mind, wrong.  

We expanded on how he came to this, party because of his start in life, those around him influencing the way he has become as a person.  My reply was quite simple.

"My friend, you are a B+" 

He looked at me with a tilted head and asked what I meant.  

"Although you feel you are what is described partly as a B-personality, what I see is someone trying to break through barriers.  Don't let people define you, but look into yourself and tell me what you see."  

The conversation went a bit deeper and he told me about the journey to this point.  I returned to my personal evaluation again..

"You still are B+.. as in B Positive.  You are living a life as fully as possible, giving back and being the best example possible to your own family.  The job you are currently doing in life to pay the bills has more value than you know, as it gives back as well.  You, my friend are a B+.  Keep moving forward and don't box yourself in others labels.  Don't let those labels limit you and keep doing your own best."  

The smile on his face told me everything.  


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