How rocks are formed

Back on the horse, sharing and hoping to help others with my own personal experiences.  It's been quite the past few years as many can attest themselves, times change our perspectives. 

I for one, made a change, to which I thought was right.

Moving from my home city where both my grown boys live, family resides and friends made time, I thought giving another go at a life feeling was positive.  Without hesitation, i stepped into the unknown, faith and hope inside as if I was 17 all over again.  

Moving closer to the mountains, to be free of the stresses during Covid. The ending wasn't what I hoped for but I can say, I did give it almost my all.

Struggling with being away from my children, family and friends and being in another difficult relationship that was becoming more tumultuous I had to make a decision to leave.  Returning home to family and friends, knowing it was the best decision for my own life.  

A small basement suite would suffice, (300 square feet) on an air bed, with little belongings and starting over again.  With the support of my previous employer, Doctors along with the law enforcement and legal professionals I took back my life again.  Gaining employment and starting small.  I wrote my goals down and kept to my objectives.  Eventually moving to a  move to a bigger place, and building things back.  During the time between then and now, I discovered my previous relationship was nothing more than false.  I don't know if I'm ready to speak about what happened yet but suffice it to say, I do not wish this experience on anyone.  

During this time, I collected the strength and ability to become better, stronger and without a doubt gained faith in myself.  

Someone at work recently told me, 

"Nicole, you are my rock"

I responded,

"Darling, you do not become a rock without falling off a mountain first."

I fell but I allowed myself to fall.  

Into the love and safety of family and friends.  

Today may be tough for you but it will be tougher if you don't forge forward.  If you choose to stay where things aren't good and hurt you more.  

Work towards falling into others love.  Others support and their kindness.  If you don't have that, then believe in and fall into yourself.  

It's okay to become a rock from that mountain you've been climbing. 


  1. So proud of you and looking forward to what the future has in store for you. ❤️


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