
Showing posts from May, 2023


2013 was the first time I experienced losing a light.  She brought joy and laughter to everyone around.  Her strength surpassed any woman I have known and will ever meet.  Overcoming and with all she faced, her beauty was beyond measure. 2019 took 2 of the most important men in my life.  My protectors, loves my heart.  I cannot say I've recovered, and deep down I never will.  They gave me unconditional love teaching me emotional equanimity.  Perhaps back then I didn't see it but the strength they gave, I returned as I sat with them on their last breaths along with their light. Why am I reflecting on these moments?   Your light is impacting those around without knowing.  Give the light to others you have been given.  Pass on the love and strength, even if you feel you don't have it.  If you feel it's not going to make a difference, trust me when I tell you.. it does. Tomorrow will be 4 years since Dale left this world.  He went on to a place with no pain, no restrictions

Do or do not

I will say all day, every day..  Do it..   Take the walk, read the book, play that song loud and sing along.  Work on something new and become a master at it.  If you don't, that's okay too.  Love yourself unconditionally, work towards goals, create your passion and live in the moment.   I will also say..  Do not.. Put yourself last, forget friends and family.  Put off what you can do right now, keep your voice silent to save others. Stop living, laughing and singing.   Your life is exactly this..  Yours. When we stop putting value in ourselves, others will as well.  Do it, everything and in this moment.  Laugh, and remember presents are not items, it is this very moment.  


Time has given us all life experiences, to which we make the choice of reaction.  I celebrate life daily with moments of gratitude, including the small ones.   In the everyday moments, we can grasp the beauty.  Even the ones that challenge us.   For myself as a young girl, young adult and grown woman facing each challenge was a stepping stone to who I've become.  Not without the butterflies that helped carry me.  When I reflect on this, the moments they did, I started to become.  Out of the darkness which consumed the thoughts deep within my mind, seeing the beauty that would happen.  Far from perfection or the need to be, I've become more than anticipated.  I choose to see light, beauty and refuse to see less than.   Today, I challenge you to see the beauty in all around you.  See kindness in a strangers smile, a brief conversation with a friend or the breath you take.