
Showing posts from December, 2021

Gift Four

Time Although this is something we feel robbed of, we should never take for granted. It teaches us perspective, patience and  empathy.  Time is space and evolution of matter which signifies growth. Today, take time for yourself and give time to others.

Gift Three

 Your breath Without this, life doesn’t happen.  So, take a deep one.  A long one. Now, exhale.   What was that?   You just gave another life a moment.  Don’t ever think life isn’t important to you and to those around you.  Your breath gives others life and feeds more than you’ll ever know.   Keep on breathing, slow down and live life. 

Gift two

 Hope It seems as though some of us think we lose it but deep inside, there is always a wee glimmer. Something that we are all born with.  We hope for others and for our future.   Hope is a gift not to let go of.  It feeds our souls, drives our passions and helps format our dreams.  Hope may dim but is always within each of us.   So, go ahead.  Hope for better and more.  No matter how difficult it may seem, have hope and never give up. (This photo was after I hiked to the peak of Thanksgiving Mountain where I rediscovered hope)

Gift one

Gratitude. This gift is one we feel.  It is an emotion, an expression and it changes how we see life.  Gratitude can not be taken away but can be given in abundance, with love.   (This is a photo of my father and I.  The gratitude I have for a moment like this fills my cup and brings me more joy that I could ever express) The benefits we gain from gratitude are emotional, social, personality, career and health.   Today, take a moment with yourself and be present.  Reflect on something that has given you joy and hold on to it.  

Share your gifts

There comes a time in life for each of us, when we recognize the gifts that have been given.  These may not be monetary or physical but gifts of life.  Seeing as the holidays are approaching, I will share with you gifts received in my life to this date.  This isn’t a challenge but a simple task of expressing love.  Be prepared for honesty, vulnerability and perhaps a few laughs.  Then, I challenge you to share your gifts.   Love, Nicky

Love yourself enough

Life ebbs and flows and along with the experiences, we evolve.  Change will happen, this we know for sure however, learning to adapt is a difficult process.   Becoming healthier is key to survival and when I say healthy I reflect this with not just physical but also mentally.  I will express a personal experience in which I witness a metaphorical change such as a butterfly coming out of a cocoon.  Seeing this in action was beyond measure.   If you witness this change or experience it, be with the moment.   For yourself, take the gratitude in, breathe and fill your lungs.  Give your heart a break, your mind a rest and sleep with peace beside you.