
Showing posts from August, 2021

Your energy, your choice

I’ve been doing some research and reflection on the survival rate of abuse and relationships.  Of course, this sounds quite daunting, it’s brought clarity and quite surprisingly, strength in my life.   I have started to shift from the past, to the present and am driving towards what the future can be. My perspective has always been that our bodies are vessels, filled with energy.  This can be positive or negative, and those difference are driven from life's experiences.  The type can be altered depending on which direction we want life to go.  The variances of these two types of energy can be vast however, this again is driving by what has surrounded us and our capacity to survive. We can sit in the past and let the energy of what has left fill our souls, drive the direction and stop living or we can let go that past energy and start to accept what is coming or will be.   I’m not a specialist by education but by my personal life experiences.  From an early life of abuse survival to