
Showing posts from July, 2021

How to see beauty

 On a daily basis I give gratitude.  I live in abundance of this and choose to return it.  I share, I give, I feed and I love.  I cannot do anything different and it is who I am.  One of my fondest memories, is about my younger son.  Although both have taught me more than I could have ever anticipated, this moment was not only about gratitude but pride.  I believe what I had been trying to do, was right and I saw it unfold with my own two eyes. Before I tell you about it, let me lay some base.  We had lived in a life surrounded by bigotry, racism, misogyny, sexism, ignorance and intolerance.  Both of us knowing full well it wasn’t right, I made a life change to remove us from this toxic environment.  In the time of growth for my younger son and I, we also went to volunteer at a local homeless shelter by providing food with others outside before those who needed shelter went inside.  After dinner had been served, while clean up it happened. A young man that was part of our group serving